Going downunder … Another travel blog


First Sunday of Advent

We wish everybody a nice first advent!

For the English speaking people:              For the Germans:

Light the Advent candle one.                    Wir sagen euch an den lieben Advent.
Now the waiting has begun                      Sehet die erste Kerze brennt!
We have started on our way                    Wir sagen euch an eine heilige Zeit,
Time to think of Christmas Day.                Machet dem Herrn den Weg bereit!.

Candle, candle burning bright,                  Freut euch ihr Christen,
shining in the cold winter night                 Freuet euch sehr!
Candle, candle burning bright                   Schon ist nahe der Herr.
Fill our hearts with Christmas light.

We know that its not the same song, but both are common in each language.

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  1. Wish you a nice first advent, too!


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