Going downunder … Another travel blog


Wicket 18

Christmas Crocodile In Kuranda

Christmas Crocodile In Kuranda


Wicket 17

Snowman In Cairns

Snowman In Cairns


Wicket 16

The Woolshed (Cairns)

The Woolshed (Cairns)


Wicket 15

Cairns Central Shopping Centre

Cairns Central Shopping Centre


Third Sunday of Advent

Today already is the thirs Sundav of Advent and we only have one week left in Australia. Furthermore, only 11 days are left before Christmas...

Light the Advent candle three               Wir sagen euch an den Lieben Advent.
Think of heavenly harmony                   Sehet die dritte Kerze brent!
Angels singing "Peace on Erth"              Nun tragt eurer Guete hellen Schein
At the Blessed Saviour's birth.               Weit in die dunkle Welt hinein.

Candle, candle burning bright,               Freut euch ihr Christen,
shining in the cold winter night              Freuer euch sehr!
Cndle, candle buring bright                    Schon ist nahe der Herr
Fill our hearts with Christmas light.

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Second Sunday of Advent

The time is running by and today already is the second Sunday of advent. We wish everybody a nice pre-christmas period!

Light the Advent candle two                      Wir sagen euch an den lieben Advent.
Think of humble shepherds who               ehet die zweite Kerze brennt!
Filled with wonder at the sight                  So nehmet euch eins um das andere an,
Of the child on Christmas night.                Wie euch der Herr an uns getan.

Candle, candle burning bright,                  Freut euch ihr Christen,
shining in the cold winter night                 Freuet euch sehr!
Candle, candle burning bright                    Schon ist nahe der Herr.
Fill our hearts with Christmas light.

(For those who havent thought about presents: it's time now!)

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Wicket number 3

Adelaide Railway Station

Adelaide Railway Station


Wicket number 2

Adelaide Railway Station

Adelaide Railway Station


Wicket 1 in the advent calender


Today is the first of December and we all can open the wicket number one in our advent calender. And we will open one for you as well ;)!

We will try to do it each day and show you the christmas-period in Adelaide. As we will be traveling a lot during the next weeks, we are not sure, if we really can open one wicket a day. We will try it, but please don't be sad, if we miss one!

Christmas tree at Victoria Square

Christmas tree at Victoria Square


First Sunday of Advent

We wish everybody a nice first advent!

For the English speaking people:              For the Germans:

Light the Advent candle one.                    Wir sagen euch an den lieben Advent.
Now the waiting has begun                      Sehet die erste Kerze brennt!
We have started on our way                    Wir sagen euch an eine heilige Zeit,
Time to think of Christmas Day.                Machet dem Herrn den Weg bereit!.

Candle, candle burning bright,                  Freut euch ihr Christen,
shining in the cold winter night                 Freuet euch sehr!
Candle, candle burning bright                   Schon ist nahe der Herr.
Fill our hearts with Christmas light.

We know that its not the same song, but both are common in each language.

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