Going downunder … Another travel blog


Second Sunday of Advent

The time is running by and today already is the second Sunday of advent. We wish everybody a nice pre-christmas period!

Light the Advent candle two                      Wir sagen euch an den lieben Advent.
Think of humble shepherds who               ehet die zweite Kerze brennt!
Filled with wonder at the sight                  So nehmet euch eins um das andere an,
Of the child on Christmas night.                Wie euch der Herr an uns getan.

Candle, candle burning bright,                  Freut euch ihr Christen,
shining in the cold winter night                 Freuet euch sehr!
Candle, candle burning bright                    Schon ist nahe der Herr.
Fill our hearts with Christmas light.

(For those who havent thought about presents: it's time now!)

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