Going downunder … Another travel blog


Visitor from Germany

Hey everyone,

even in Australia you sometimes meet people you know from Germany 🙂 This Friday Christoph arrived from Perth (Western Australia). He is currently traveling around Australia before he goes to study in New Zealand for one semester. Pretty funny to meet him here in Adelaide. He didn't get a bed at the chosen hostel, so we let him stay at our place for one night. Of course, we went to the Central Markets' food courts to get some dinner that night ... $ 6.50 for a plate of the food that you want ...

Christoph at our place

Christoph at our place

Cheers everyone

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  1. Hey. Thanks a lot once again. Was great to meet you here. Went on a very long hike around that Morialta Park today. We were going to make the 10k loop but got on the wrong track and eventually made a 25km one. But we saw some Koalas.
    Will leave for Flinders Range tomorrow for a couple days with some other people.
    Cheers, Christoph

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