Going downunder … Another travel blog


Progress for me as well …

Hey everyone,

seems like my research plans for my thesis will work out nicer than expected as the survey approval won't have to go through all of the management, but only through one person. That's great as it'll save lots of time (lots refering to about 6 weeks). Cool, isn't it?
Now I'll try to push that survey ...


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  1. Hey sounds good, but is it okay to sustain only on one source? Sounds not so save like the hole management …

    • Hey Karl,
      you mean the approval process that only needs one person is not safe for an organization like this? That’s true, but for me it’s good 😉 Probably is because of the nature of the survey as well. I won’t reveal any sensitive material, not even a lot about the organization itself, but rather about the people’s feelings towards a new computer strategy.
      Cheers, Johannes

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